Women's Ministry

Our Ministry is called Women of Wisdom (W.O.W)

Key verse, Proverbs 14:1, “The wise woman builds house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down”.

Aiming to build God fearing ladies……….


Vision Statement

That the women of Glad Tidings Fellowship High-Glen Church will consistently honor the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and God the Father in all areas of their lives as they carry out the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Mission Statement

The Women of Wisdom strive to stand as women on Mission for Jesus Christ, building God-fearing ladies and being instrumental in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.



  • To bring women into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • To unite women in Bible Study, Prayer, Ministry and Fellowship.
  • To help women to know their roles in their families.
  • To provide a series of events that will promote healthy – living, fellowship, outreach and witnessing.
  • To help ladies to be creative and industrious as they work hard to support their homesteads and God’s work.


Women of Wisdom Composition

Women Of Wisdom is composed of girls, single mothers, widows, married women and grandmothers who love Christ and desire to become the woman He wants us to be.

Areas of Ministry

  1. Noble Character

Build a good character of God fearing woman of God.  Through reading the Bible, motivating woman through lessons and workshops to respect their husbands and be good mothers in homes.

  1. Fellowship

We focus on bringing women together and providing opportunities for them to grow spiritually, to fellowship, and serve together.  Leaders may facilitate weekend retreats, organize service projects, plan recreational activities and enjoy the fellowship of other Christian women.  We strive to offer or support a diverse array of programs and activities to address to many needs of the women of our church as well as women of our community.  Fellowship opportunities include:  one day camp meetings (commonly known as Outings), where we have various sporting events, braai and having fun.

  1. Prayer

We encourage women to be prayerful in their personal lives and in their families.  We also provide the opportunity for women to be intercessors on behalf of our church, individuals and the women’s ministry.  We have faithful group of women meeting in Hannah’s Prayer in different Zones.


Ministry Activities:

Activities and events throughout the year include the following and are designed to help women connect with other women and with God. We conduct our activities on Tuesdays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

  • Meetings with senior Pastor

These meetings are normally held at the beginning of the year for the senior pastor to stress his expectations from the ministry, so that their activities are aligned to the yearly church vision.


  • Women teaching services & workshops

These are normally conducted by their leader or appointed leaders from within the group. The senior pastor also conducts some teachings to the women’s group.


  • All Women Prayer & Fasting

This is held every first Tuesday of the month.  Praying for the Church targeting on Women and girls to win more souls and raise God fearing women.  Leading people to Christ equipping them with word of God knowing their value in the body of Christ.


  • Topical Lessons

We organize lessons to be taught to women e.g. Hygiene, cookery, sawing, kneading, laundry, Ironing etc. We believe that these basics are critical for a good house wife and excellent service. Sometimes these are conducted in the form of practical workshops.


  • Mabiko eShoko (Multiple Preachers)

On selected Tuesday services, we have several preachers preaching the word of God, that’s what we call ‘Mabiko eShoko’.


  • All Women Bible Study

This is held on selected Tuesdays to study bible topics or the whole book selected from the bible, e.g. the book of Esther. We believe that the only way to guard your salvation jealously from false doctrine, is through having proper knowledge of the word of God.

We strive to develop and build God fearing women by prayer, fasting, preaching, bible study, etc., to motivate each other and to have zeal for God.

  • O.W One Day Outing


We also once in a while go have outings. This includes going out for sports and braai just to know each other, fellowship, have fun together and relax. Also we have outings where we have an assortment of activities including preaching, sports and braai.

The Wife of Noble Character

Women of Wisdom at Glad Tidings Fellowship (High-Glen) Church is about building a God fearing girl/woman growing closer to Christ and each other in Christ.  It’s about becoming women of wisdom and honor who can be trusted, who live lives of fearing the Lord.  Honor for all her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the City Gate.

(Proverbs 30:10-31)