Ushers' Ministry

The Ushers Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship – High Glen Church is a critical component of our church, because this team is the one that is at direct and first contact with all the people who join us in our gatherings and church services. This team meets all our visitors, both young and old and all from various societal statuses. They are trained to show the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to all our visitors and other congregants. Any person wants to be loved, and this acts as a ‘magnet’ in that makes people ‘feel’ at home and welcome. Demonstration of love and practicing hospitality has power to grow the church. The word of God teaches us on the importance of practicing heartfelt hospitality to all people coming to join us in our church services and other gatherings. (Hebrews 13:2). All our ushers are there to serve you with a sincere heart and a contrite spirit.


The Ushers Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship –High Glen church aims to serve and preach through practicing heartfelt hospitality and love to all people (members, non-members and visitors) coming to join us in our church services and other gatherings, as expected by our Lord Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 13:2)


The Ushers Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship- High Glen Church has a mission to serve and practice heartfelt hospitality, in such a manner that church members, non-members and visitors are engulfed in the environment of family love and giving them a sense belonging. Those who serve as ushers do so as a way to serve God, thus contributing in the retention of members and church growth through.


  • To demonstrate caring in receiving all visitors and church members.
  • To ensure there is orderliness in the defined sitting layout, for church services to be conducted smoothly.
  • To ensure due honor and recognition is given to distinguished delegates, when the need arises.
  • To meet the needs of visitors and church members without overdoing it.
  • To send a message to church shoppers that this is the destination where there spiritual needs are met.
  • To offer hope and invitation to those who are frustrated and discouraged by the experiences of life.
  • To treat all people indiscriminately, as honored guests.
  • To direct visitors and church members to sit according to the sitting arrangement provided.
  • To be respectful to all visitors and church members.
  • To dress presentably, so as to earn respect from visitors and church members.


Ushers Ministry Team Composition

The Ushers Ministry Team composition is headed by an elder, who has assigned by the senior Pastor. The other leaders are born again, women, men, brothers and sisters who have strong desire and passion to serve in this important church ministry.

Some Attributes of a Good Usher- :

There are certain attributes that drive every person who serves as an usher. Some naturally burn with a strong desire and passion to practice hospitality, which is more of a ‘calling’ than anything else. Practicing hospitality is a spiritual qualification for church overseers, which makes this ministry very significant in church administration. Some of the attributes required for one to be a good usher are listed below:

  • A mature, born again christian;
  • Calling to serve in this ministry;
  • Filly with the Holy Spirit;
  • Life showing fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23);
  • Cheerful personality;
  • Presentable in dressing;
  • Respectful;
  • Physically fit, since the work involves standing for a considerable length of time


Drivers for The Ushers Ministry- :

i) Prayer and Fasting

  • This is held in order to assist the leaders to conduct God’s work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without the guidance of control of the Holy Spirit, it is hard to carry out work in this ministry. Prayer and fasting as a team, creates the ‘right person’, focus and unity of purpose amongst the team members.

ii) Meetings with Senior Pastor:-

  • These are normally held at the beginning of the year so as to get the expectations from the senior Pastor as the man of vision. This aims to align the ministry’s efforts to the church.


Ministry Activities:-

  • Administration of Refreshments for visitors [Proposal—]

The team coordinates refreshments given to visitors after each Sunday service to show that we love them and cherish their fellowship. The visitors are given pamphlets with our weekly church services time table.

  • Sunday Prayers

This helps ushers team to conduct their work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This also helps in fostering unity of purpose and total dependency on God in practicing hospitality. (John 15:4-5).

  • Hospitality Team get together function

This is held in order to assist the hospitality team to have fellowship and conduct God’s work in love and unity of purpose amongst themselves.

Upcoming Events:-

The following are upcoming events:-

  • Hospitality Team – Get together:

This is held in order to assist the hospitality team to have fellowship and conduct God’s work in love and unity of purpose amongst themselves.