Praise and Worship Ministry


Continually learning to lead others into the awesome transforming presence of God. Psalm 150 vs 6 “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” (NIV)



Declaring the glory of God and giving Him the praise and honour He deserves. Revelation 4 vs 11 “You are worthy, our LORD God, to receive glory and honour and power, for by your will they are created and have their being.” (NIV)


What we pursue

  • It is our quest to see the Holy Spirit miraculously healing people (spiritually, emotionally and physically) through worship, breaking chains and bondages and igniting an unquenchable passion to serve the LORD.
  • We purse a spirit filled life of faith that demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit in life and character.
  • We strive for excellence through continuous training, learning from other worship leaders in the Christian community, travailing in prayer and soaking in the word of God.
  • We meet every Wednesday from 6 – 8pm where we merge our cell-group meeting and training for ministry.
  • We also meet on Saturdays from 7:30am to 12noon for purposes of exhortation in ministry, prayer and training.
  • We learn new songs and seek to offer new renditions of old songs.
  • The Praise and Worship Team is responsible for leading all our Worship Services.
  • Largely, training for playing instruments is provided by an instructor and trainer at the church.
  • Only church members of reputable Christian character are admitted to join the Praise and Worship Team.
  • Training for Praise and Worship Team and Choir is under one ministry as they purse the same object.