New Converts Ministry


Our vision is to nurture the new believers in the infallible, truthful and inerrant word of God, so as to enable them to walk in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This we intend to achieve through discipleship and the teaching of sound doctrine of  salvation that comes through Jesus Christ; our Saviour and Lord.



Our mission is anchored on the great commission to reach out to the lost, as commanded by Jesus our Saviour and Lord: Go ye, therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

We are therefore committed as the new converts ministry to achieve this goal by teaching sound doctrine of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ; our Saviour and Lord.



As a ministry, our objectives are:

  • to complement and contribute meaningfully towards the completion of the great commission.
  • to ensure that the commission is carried out in its entirety lest it turns out to be a great omission.
  • to nurture and disciple new converts and make them to be lasting fruits in the kingdom of God. (John 15vs 16)
  • to encourage and give hope to all new believers, so that the enemy does not take advantage of their spiritual infancy.



As a ministry, we intent to achieve the above objectives through:

  • the teaching of elementary doctrines of Christ to the new believers.
  • the baptism of all new converts and all believers who have not undergone water baptism.
  • discipleship, fellowship and personal follow ups.


The core-activities of the ministry

New converts lessons

These consist of six lessons which are done once per week, usually the first 30 minutes of each of the three Sunday services or as advised. The lessons are as summarised below and the complete lessons brochure is as attached:

  • The way of salvation – the aim of this lesson is to define and explain what salvation is; starting from creation, the falling of man through sin, salvation through the death of Jesus Christ and his ultimate ascension to Heaven.


  • The new man –this lesson is aimed at building one’s relationship with God through prayer and fasting, the word of God and attendance of church services. The lesson addresses God’s calling of the new believer to a new life; a life of holiness and separation from sin. It also  encourages the new believer to share his faith with unbelievers.


  • The Holy Spirit – this lesson emphasises the importance of the Holy Spirit as the third person in the trinity. The believer’s endeavour to walk in Christ is impossible without the Holy Spirit and hence the emphasis on this subject. The new converts are taught about the character, the gifts, the functions and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.


  • The grace of salvation – the scripture says “my people perish because of lack of knowledge…” (Zechariah 4:6). The aim of this lesson is to define the benefits of salvation, which include the following: forgiveness, rebirth, adoption as sons, eternal life, justification and redemption from demonic powers.


  • The grace of giving – this lesson addresses the biblical background of giving and tithing. It touches on the different types of giving, the benefits thereof, as well as the purpose of giving.


  • The church and membership – the last lesson is aimed at defining the church. It looks at the biblical manner in which the church should be organised. It also addresses what is expected of  the new believers so as to enable them to become members of the local church. Reasons for discontinuation of one’s membership, are also taught in this lesson.


Water Baptism

Although water baptism is not a prerequisite to one’s salvation, it remains a biblical instruction that every believer should be baptised. In baptism the new believer makes a public confession to the world that he is dead to sin and risen to life with Jesus Christ. Currently, the church uses artificial pools for baptism, which are set up on church premises and then dismantled after use.


Follow ups on new converts

It is the responsibility of the new converts ministry to record and keep details of all new believers. This is done with their consent. Whenever one makes a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, they are requested to provide willingly their personal details, the primary aim being to build close relationship with them. A template letter is completed and then posted to the new believers through their respective home group leaders. This is done so as to ensure accountability of each and every soul that God gives to the church.