Men's Ministry

Our Ministry is called Men of Integrity (MoI)

Equipping men to be loyal to the truth of the Word of God……

Vision Statement

That the men of Glad Tidings Fellowship – High Glen Church will consistently honor the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father in all areas of their lives as they carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Mission Statement

The Men’s Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship High Glen Church exists to develop biblically-sound men of faith, provide men with the resources and knowledge to develop Godly character and help equip them to influence their world for Jesus Christ.


  • To bring men into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • To unite men in Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship, and accountability.
  • To become a supportive environment that touches the lives of the entire church family.
  • To promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant vital relationships.
  • To help men to know their roles in their families and be leaders in family worship.
  • To provide a series of events that will promote healthy-living, entrepreneurship, fellowship, outreach, and evangelism, etc.


Men of Integrity Composition

The Men’s Ministry is made up of boys, fathers and grandfathers who love Christ and desire to become the man He wants us to be. We strive to develop and strengthen relationships with other men in order to encourage each other in our walk with Christ. We are dedicated to helping men become servants as modeled by Jesus Christ. A Christ-like man is a servant of God’s church, a servant of his family, and a servant of his community.

Areas of Ministry

  1. Discipleship : Zone Leaders and Cell Group Leaders

This is a very important group that meets every Monday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at our High Glen church.  The event includes prayer and teachings.  The teachings are done in two forms, firstly, have leadership lessons which cover homiletics and hermeneutics. The second teaching is for lessons taught to these leaders by the senior pastor, who will then teach the other church members at our home cell groups. Our foundational verses are:

  • Matthew 28:18-20,“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…….” and
  • 2 Timothy 2:2* -5,The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”…..


  1. Fellowship

We focus on bringing men together and providing opportunities for them to grow spiritually, to fellowship, teach, and serve together. Leaders may facilitate weekend retreats, organize service projects, plan recreational activities, and enjoy the fellowship of other Christian men. We strive to offer or support a diverse array of programs and activities to address the many needs of the men of our church as well as the men of our community. Fellowship opportunities include: one day camp meetings (commonly known as Outings), where we have various Sporting Events, braai and having fun.


  1. Accountability & Responsibility

We encourage all men to have accountability partners who will hold them accountable to become the man God has called them to be. The men are taught to be responsible sons, fathers and husbands as bible believing men. The Six Ps are always taught to all men so that they religiously carry out their roles and responsibilities in their families and at church. These are summarized as:

  1. Protector – the father to ensure safety and security measures are in place the family
  2. Provider – the father to supply the family needs.
  3. Priest – the father as the minister of spiritual Christian life.
  4. Principle Giver – provide rules and regulations for the family.
  5. Player Coach – be role model and an example for family to follow.
  6. Partner* – the father, as husband to love his wife as Christ Loved the church.


  1. Prayer

We encourage men to be prayerful in their personal lives and in their families. We also provide the opportunity for men to be intercessors on behalf of our church, individuals, the senior pastor and the Men’s Ministry. We have faithful group of men who are responsible for leading morning prayers before each Sunday worship service.

Men of Integrity activities:

Activities and events throughout the year include the following and are designed to help men connect with other men and with God.

i) Men’s teaching Services (all leaders)

This is held every Monday of the week from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

ii) Men’s Teaching Services and Workshops

This is held on selected after every 3 months on Thursdays, to equip all men on their leadership roles, because we believe every man is a leader by default. We also provide an opportunity to teach men on various health topical issues, e.g. common diseases affecting men, common diseases like BP (Hypertension), Cancer types, even healthy foods for healthy bodies, etc. We also have workshop-type sessions where men are taught about entrepreneurship, income generating projects, investments, etc. We believe that equipping men with this knowledge, will result in the church having effective workmanship for the work of God.

iii) All Men Prayer & Fasting

This is held on selected Friday to Saturday mornings.

iv) Men’s Saturday Outreaches

After every two months, outreaches are conducted on selected weekends, to provide all men an opportunity to go out to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the non-believers and also carry out follow-ups to new converts.

v) Saturday Soccer Tournaments

We organize such tournaments, to encourage men to invite men to Christ. The gospel is also preached to give opportunity to new converts. Zone Teams play in this fellowship soccer tournament, where the winning team gets a trophy. Some snacks and refreshments will be served in this mind refreshing environment.


Do you need sharpening?  The Men of Integrity at Glad Tidings Fellowship (High Glen) Church is about growing closer to Christ and each other in Christ. It’s about becoming men of honor who can be trusted, who live lives of integrity, who strive to become better husbands, better fathers, and godlier men. This is accomplished through the teachings, prayer, activities and events outlined above. As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17 (NASB))