Couples Ministry

The Couples (Family) Ministry is a critical component of our church, because it is the families which make up the church. Thus, moulding these units, impacts positively to a good congregation.  We strive to ensure that we build biblically-principled couples and families for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Moulding a bible-based and God-fearing family, impacts massively on the spiritual well-being of His bride, the church. Some of the guiding bible references are: (1 Corinthians 7:1-11; Eph.5:22-33; Col. 3:18-21; Eph. 6:1/4; Luke 16:18; Mark 10:11-12; Matt. 19:1-10)


The Couples Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship –High Glen church aims to mould healthy marriages and families that mirror God’s divine plan. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge”.


The Couples Ministry at Glad Tidings Fellowship- High Glen Church has a mission to teach and equip couples with biblical principles and values that help foster and sustain a lifetime marriage, and building healthy families that glorify God.


  • To teach and equip couples with biblical principles and values that help and sustain a lifetime marriage.
  • To build families that glorify God in the way the way are run or managed.
  • To educate families in the relevant laws of the land (the nation), pertaining marriages and aligning them to biblical principles.
  • To provide opportunities for fellowship amongst couples.
  • To exhort couples to make God their first resort in resolving misunderstandings and disputes.
  • To facilitate the provision of premarital counseling lessons.
  • To teach roles and responsibilities in a family setup, for each element (father, mother and children).


Couples Ministry Members Composition

The Couples Ministry member is comprised of all married couples, young and old, this includes those whose spouses are not yet believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that the one who is a believer will influence his/her spouse to be saved. The ministry is led by a committee appointed by the senior pastor.

Ministry Activities:-

  • Meeting with Senior Pastor

The meeting is normally held at the beginning of the year so as to get the expectations from the senior Pastor as the man of vision. This aims to align the ministry’s efforts to the church vision.

  • Couples Thursday Services

These services are normally held on selected Thursdays from 1800hours to 2000hours. Topical issues or subjects are taught by the senior pastor in most cases, unless there is need to invite an external resource to conduct specialized subjects. Examples of topics; e.g. Family Roles and Responsibilities – normally this is done by the senior pastor. Topics such as Wills and inheritance/Estate administration, external speakers are engaged to present such teachings.

We structure the services in such a way that some, it involves parents and children, and sometimes, it’s strictly parents only.

  • Premarital Counseling Sessions

We conduct these sessions to assist those ready to join couples, so that they understand what the transition means (youth to couples). The aim is basically to eliminate the wrong notions and perceptions about what marriage is. This also serves to align expectations from both parties so that they embrace biblical principles.

  • Couples Special Meals Day

These can either be breakfast or lunch organized by the committee assigned by the Couples Ministry. This helps in creating an environment to know each other and fellowship. Special meals include, traditional meals day, where the food served is all traditional. (Acts 2:46-47)

  • Couples Outing/Retreat

This is normally organized as a one day outing event, where the couples only come to refresh and have fellowship. This aims to foster the spirit of love, unity and fellowship amongst couples. (Psalms 133:1-3), ‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! …………”.

  • Couples Discussions (Q & A)

These are healthy sessions to provide for an opportunity for couples to share issues, challenges and ‘points of departure’ in marriages. Through the answering and discussion of such issues, most couples get their challenges resolved. Different experiences discussed within  a biblical framework, provide an effective source of solutions to the couples. Marriages are restored and re-aligned.

Upcoming Events:-

The following are upcoming events:-

Watch the space…………..